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发布时间:2014-11-13 18:28 来源:   编辑:小猫




  1 - 1 ON A DIME(5)

  花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,增加 1% ~ 5% 的刹车性能

  1 point

  1% increase to your car's braking.

  2 point

  2% increase to your car's braking.

  3 point

  3% increase to your car's braking.

  4 point

  4% increase to your car's braking.

  5 point

  5% increase to your car's braking.

  1 - 2 DOUBLE DOWN(10)

  花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,在每次升级的时候增加 2% ~ 20% 获得更多的技能点数几率

  1 point

  2% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  2 point

  4% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  3 point

  6% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  4 point

  8% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  5 point

  10% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  6 point

  12% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  7 point

  14% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  8 point

  16% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  9 point

  18% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  10 point

  20% chance of 2 perk points at each level up.

  1 - 3 WORD ON THE STREET(10)

  花费 1 ~ 10 点的技能点数,降低 3% ~ 30% 的所有街道零件的成本

  1 point

  3% off the cost of all street parts.

  2 point

  6% off the cost of all street parts.

  3 point

  9% off the cost of all street parts.

  4 point

  12% off the cost of all street parts.

  5 point

  15% off the cost of all street parts.

  6 point

  18% off the cost of all street parts.

  7 point

  21% off the cost of all street parts.

  8 point

  24% off the cost of all street parts.

  9 point

  27% off the cost of all street parts.

  10 point

  30% off the cost of all street parts.

  1 - 4 MISSIONARY(5)

  花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每场任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的经验和金钱

  1 point

  2% more XP and $ from missions.

  2 point

  4% more XP and $ from missions.

  3 point

  6% more XP and $ from missions.

  4 point

  8% more XP and $ from missions.

  5 point

  10% more XP and $ from missions.

  1 - 5 THE CREW(5)

  花费 1 ~ 5 点的技能点数,在每场任务和帮派任务中额外获得 2% ~ 10% 的经验和金钱

  1 point

  Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 2%.

  2 point

  Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 4%.

  3 point

  Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 6%.

  4 point

  Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 8%.

  5 point

  Increase Coop bonus(Bucks + XP)in Missions and Faction Missions by 10%.

IGN 9分以上作品 愿者上钩钓鱼的那点趣事 深冬之寒,来一起看看游戏中精美的雪景吧