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发布时间:2016-10-18 10:54 来源:  作者:未知




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  同样,事件中的四位主角也并不是士兵:76号,麦克雷,安娜,半藏这四位英雄本人,而是“老兵,枪手,炼金术师和弓手”。然而这四个人与正史时间线中的四位角色从人生经历到性格乃至互动都有着千丝万缕的关联,所以他们可以被视作正史中四位英雄在平行宇宙中的化身,或者另一个时间线,另一个宇宙,另一个世界观下他们可能的另一种人生。就像老兵(士兵:76号)在语音里说的那样。“Maybe in another life.”




  Ana: Do you think that was the last of them?

  Mccree: Something tells me the worst is yet to come.



  Ana: You do not trust my alchemy, do you?

  Mccree: All do respect, witchcraft and magic potions no match for a good six shooter.



  Mccree: I can tell you and the soldier have some history together.

  Ana: Indeed, and much of it unhappy.



  Mccree: Not sure how I feel about all this alchemy nonsense. Seems like hocus-pocus to me.

  Ana: I could lead you to die if you prefer.




  Ana: I once met a man, who could summon a dragon as you do.

  Hanzo: Impossible! Only my clan possesses the skill. My brother could, but he is dead.



  Ana: What reason brings you to travel so far from home?

  Hanzo: I was banished from my home for taking my brother's life. I can never return.



  Hanzo: You say you do science. The good Dr. Junkenstein will profess the same.

  Ana: Science is a tool and a method. The hand that wields its course.



  Hanzo: What difference is there between the witch'es magic and your alchemy?

  Ana: Alchemy is science. Her magic? Is something darker.



  Hanzo: I sense you and the soldier have history together.

  Ana: This is not our first battle together, and not the last. Unless you does something foolish.




  Ana: Why fight for this lord? You have never cared for nobility.

  Soldier 76: It is true, but today we share a common foe, the Reaper.



  Soldier 76: The reaper is a fearsome foe, he may still get the better of us.

  Ana: I will get us home safe, as I always do.



  Soldier 76: A soldier, an alchemist, an archer, and an oddity. A motley group we have assembled here.

  Ana: Just as it has always been, you attract strange companions.



  Soldier 76: It's time to finish this fight old friend.

  Ana: Let us hope we have the strength to see it though.



  Ana: If we survive the night, this should be our last battle.

  Soldier: No, I cannot rest until we have justice.




  Mccree: What's home like for you, Archer?

  Hanzo: A village high up a hill. There are cherry blossoms in the spring. I miss it dearly.



  Mccree: You are not bad with a bow, but don't you think it's a little old-fashioned?

  Hanzo: Perhaps there's still a future for anachronisms.



  Hanzo: My people will call you a "ronin", a masterless samurai.

  Mccree: Ronin, I like the sound of that.



  Hanzo: Getting tired gunslinger?

  Mccree: Not a chance.



  Mccree: Hey, Archer! What say you pass that flask around so we can all have a drink. It's a thirsty work.

  Hanzo: We drink when the job is done.



  Mccree: Doesn't seem to be any end, the monsters.

  Hanzo: Let them come! I could always use the practice.




  McCree: "Didn't expect to find another American so far from home. You fight in the war?"

  Soldier: "There's a man like me in every war."



  McCree: "Where are you from, back at home?"

  Soldier: "I don't stay in one place for too long. Came from a town called Bloomington, Indiana."



  Mccree: You seem awfully familiar. You sure we haven't met before?

  Soldier 76: Maybe in another life.



  Mccree: You don't seem like someone who put his faith in alchemy.

  Soldier 76: You have to believe in something, may as well be the thing that keeps you alive.



  Soldier 76: What drives a man to such madness?

  Mccree: You ask me, you promise something for these chemicals electricity and what not? It's not a man, it's a monster.




  Hanzo: Do you think the doors would hold?

  Soldier 76: The doors are not what I'm concerned about.



  Hanzo: What sort of monster do you think the Reaper is?

  Soldier 76: The worst kind there is —— a wicked man.



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