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发布时间:2012-11-30 21:11 来源:互联网  作者:佚名


  Chameleon Collect the following Disguises (see Items): Strip Club Bouncer, Store Clerk, Chicago Police Officer, Chipmunk Costume 收集4种制服:夜总会保镖,商店职员,警察,花栗鼠戏服

  Evidence Collector Collect the evidence in Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year 收集以下6个证据

  Evidence 1 Courtyard. On the hood of the police cruiser with the shotgun. You need either a disguise, or a massacre to collect this.在天井,警察巡逻车的引擎盖上

  Evidence 2 Vixen Club. In the office above the club's spot where the cover charge girl and the bouncer are.在Vixen Club,在收钱女孩和保镖的楼上的办公室里

  Evidence 3 Derelict Building. Where 47 drops down after dumping Amanda's corpse to distract the cops. 在废弃建筑,就是47扔下Amanda的尸体分散警察注意力的地方

  Evidence 4 Convenience Store. The cashier's counter, by the register.在便利店,收银台

  Evidence 5 Loading Area. In the corner office.在卸货区,在角落的办公室里

  Evidence 6 Chinese New Year. In the alley where the challenge X Marks the Spot can be completed. Check the spot where the cargo pallet will crash down. The evidence is there. 农历新年?在你完成X Marks the Spot挑战的地方,找找吊着的货物掉下来的地方附近

  Infiltrator Complete the chapter without being spotted. Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Dressing Rooms, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year 不被发现完成本章

  Suit Only Complete the chapter without using a disguise. Courtyard, The Vixen Club, Dressing Rooms, Derelict Store, Convenience Store, Loading Area, Chinese New Year 不换制服完成本章

  Private Dance Kill target. Hide the body. Escape the Vixen Club unseen. Shooting Dom with the silenced JAGD P22G after his lap dance is best. You need a keycard and the silenced JAGD for this. 杀死目标并藏尸,不被发现逃离Vixen Club。最好是等Dom跳完舞,用消音的JAGD P22G干掉他。你要用到钥匙牌和消音手枪

  Dominated Garrote target. Hide the body. Escape the Vixen Club unseen. Killing Dom in the bathroom is probably one of the better methods, although you can try and get away with it in the private booths area. 勒死目标并藏尸,不被发现逃离。最好的办法是在浴室

  Schadenfreude Use the disco ball to crush Dom in the Vixen Club. The damaged ball can be dislodged using the switch past the keycard door where the bachelor party is being held in the private corner booth.

  Fire Sale Turn off the sprinklers and start the firewords in the Convenience Store. 在便利店,关闭洒水器,开始放烟花

  Two Rights Make a Right Save the market vendor before he is killed by the target in the alley. 在巷子里,商贩被目标杀死前,救下他

  Moment of Bliss Electrocute the target by rewiring the loose power cable. Throw the switch only when the target is urinating. 当目标小便时,用电弄死他

  Fire Him Sabotage the fuel pump in the fireworks area and the target dies after an elasped time. 破坏烟花区的油泵,目标过一阵就会挂掉

  X Marks the Spot Kill the henchman who urinates by dropping the hanging cargo load in the alley where the target kills the market vendor. Eventually, another target will go to where 47 started this section; there is a second cargo load there. 趁随从在小巷小便时,利用吊着的货物砸死他。同时另一个目标会去到47开始本段落的位置,那里也有一处吊着的货物

  Lieutenant Bad Eliminated by proxy. Steal Birdie's file and the corrupt cop will kill your target for you in the police impound. 借刀杀人,偷取Birdie的文件,坏警察会被激怒然后杀了目标

  Cleaning Up in Chinatown Lieutenant Bad, Fire Him, X Marks the Spot, Moment of Bliss all cleared 完成以上4个挑战

  Damage Control Clear mission 完成任务

  Swordplay Part 1 Stealth kill one of Wade's henchmen using the katana. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley.用武士刀杀死1个Wade的随从。武士刀可以在那个被目标杀死的商贩的店里找到

  Swordplay Part 2 Stealth kill all of Wade's henchmen using the katana. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley.用武士刀杀死所有Wade的随从

  Swordplay Part 3 Stealth kill all of Wade's henchmen using the katana while wearing the Chipmunk costume. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley. The chipmunk costume is found on street level; from the top of the stairs of the police impound, turn left. The disguise is in that "empty" room. 穿着花栗鼠装,用武士刀杀死所有Wade的随从。花栗鼠装在大街上找到的,在警察拘留处的楼梯顶,转左,服装在那个“空”房子里

  Item Location

  Disguise - Store Clerk The market vendors are the "clerks" here.

  Disguise - Chicago Policemen The enemies in this level.

  Disguise - Chipmunk Costume Chinese New Year map. The chipmunk costume is found on street level; from the top of the stairs of the police impound, turn left. The disguise is in that "empty" room. 花栗鼠装在大街上找到的,在警察拘留处的楼梯顶,转左,服装在那个“空”房子里

  Disguise - Strip Club Bouncer Vixen Club and Dressing Rooms. The enemies in those levels.

  Silenced JAGD P22G There are two of these handguns in the Vixen Club.

  HX UMP Used by the Chicago PD

  Police M590 12GA Shotgun used by police; one is found by a police cruiser in Courtyard.

  Bottle Empty bottles abound.

  Knife The stalls in the Convenience Store and Chinese New Year maps have some here and there.

  Cleaver The stalls in the Convenience Store and Chinese New Year maps have some here and there.

  Fire Extinguisher The item which almost never gets used in interior settings.

  Gasoline Can A junk item found in the Courtyard.

  Katana Chinese New Year. The katana is found from the stall run by the market vendor who is shot by the target in the alley.

  Keycard Various NPCs drop keycards when subdued or slain in the Vixen Club; there is one keycard left out in the open, and that's the security office about the cover charge / coat check girl at the club.

  Metal Pipe Found here and there in the Courtyard.

  Birdie's File Found in the police impound in Chinese New Year

  Rat Poison A stall in Chinese New Year has this item. Used to poison another dish of sushi eaten by the target who smokes.

  Sledgehammer Found in Derelict Building

标签:杀手5:赦免 挑战 
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