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发布时间:2017-07-08 14:28 来源:互联网  作者:RCT·女神星   编辑:小猫


  I was told this escort mission would be dangerous, but I had not expected to fight a legitimate army.

  Fortunately, I was riding ahead of the main column and spotted them first. After signalling for the convoy to change course, I harassed the enemy from their flanks to draw their attention, then retreated in a different direction. Even that cost me. Many of Wuzhui's brothers were injured and some were killed. Previously, my enemies here fought wildly or scattered when attacked, but these men had discipline.

  The leader of the convoy was very grateful. Apparently, few survive an encounter with this "New Legion". I should be wary of them in the future.




  Am I a mercenary now? I had not given it much thought until I was actually called one. I don't like the title. Mercenaries fight for riches, but I'm just fighting for what I need to survive. That's different, isn't it?

  When I fought back home, I knew who and what I was fighting for. I knew who my enemies were. Here I cannot tell. I am trying to be honorable by defending people and not attacking them, but how can I be certain?

  I cannot dwell on it. To survive, I must fight on. To return home, I must fight on.




  I've started to tame larger creatures. The speed of my light cavalry was beneficial, but I realized that it was not enough. A hundred swift strikes mean nothing if there is no strength behind them. To survive enemies like the New Legion, I must be able to strike with power.

  I began with the ones that look like larger raptors, but with horns on their foreheads. They balance strength and speed well, and will serve well as the core of my forces. When I have enough horned raptors, I will add some of the giants.

  Maybe then I'll finally have the strength to find a way home.




  I am living on an island. Worse, a cursed island.

  When I managed to tame a great spined lizard and a giant raptor, I left the jungle to find a way out of these treacherous lands, but I soon found myself travelling in circles. Worse still, I'm told that a magical barrier prevents ships from sailing too far from the shore, and birds from flying too high to leave the island. It was never a matter of strength. There is no path home at all.

  Wuzhui seems to sense my unease. These days, I often wake to find him nestled beside me. At least I am not trapped here alone.




  I laughed for the first time in weeks today. A man from a small tribe of fisherman sought to hire me, but he didn't call me by my name. He called me the "Beast Queen of the Jungle". I could not keep a straight face.

  I suppose I understand the title. Since my failed expedition, I have staked out a small swath of land to live on more permanently, and the locals know it as my pack's hunting ground. Still, I'm hardly a queen. My "castle" is little more than a shack. I'd rather be called a queen than a mercenary though, so I may as well embrace it.



  I wonder what father would think of me now. Would he be proud of me when I march off to battle? I know he wanted a son. That's why he trained me in secret. Would he accept a Beast Queen instead? Mother wouldn't approve. The other villagers were too desperate to care about my gender when I joined the fight against the Turbans, but mother never forgave me. She wouldn't even look at me now.

  Should I mind?

  Those were Mei-Yin's parents, from Mei-Yin's life, and sometimes I wonder if that life was even real. Maybe I was always a beast, and never a woman.






  I have finally found a beast that I cannot command. No, to call him a beast is not enough. He is a demon.

  I was stalking a pair of giant raptors, waiting for an opportunity to bring them into my pack, when he tore through the treeline to steal their kill. He dwarfed even the giant raptors in size, and in fury he surely has no equal in this world. When his foes bit at him, his eyes glowed with hatred and he struck with renewed vigor.

  I have never seen such terror. Even I dare not challenge this creature. If I am the Beast Queen, then he is the Demon King.




  A woman named Helena arrived at my camp yesterday, though not to hire me. She said that she was a scholar studying the creatures on this island, and that she wanted to observe my beasts. I turned her away at first, not trusting her intentions. How could I? What mad fool would bother with scholarly pursuits in a place like this? Yet she persisted, and in time I was convinced of her honesty.

  I don't know if I made the right decision. Helena is constantly asking strange questions. Why does she need to know so much about my beasts' feces and mating behavior? What a bizarre person.



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