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引入日系线之前构想8级MT:Chi Ri Kai

发布时间:2014-09-30 21:53 来源:互联网


  The Chi Ri Kai is what would begrabbing historically existing features and components and bringing themtogether. The most important part is the gun. I see no choice but for the 105to be used.

  Chi Ri Kai是将历史上存在的部件组合起来的产物。最重要的部分是火炮。除开105mm炮外,作者还没有找到其它合适的备选。


  Ho Ri 105 long cannon

  Ho Ri 105mm长管加农炮

  According to the Japanese wiki article that has this gun picture, this 105 hasthe single tray loader attach to it. By looking carefully, it can be seen. Ifthis single tray loader was removed, it seems like the cannon can be mountedinto the Chi Ri plan 2 big turret. That would give the Chi Ri Kai a big alphaand a high pen but with a slow reload. The 105 would be the top gun and the75mm belt fed would be stock with the 88 available in the modules. This 105would also be used, likely as the top gun, for the Tier 8 Ho Ri TD, but withthe single tray reload attached. The pen, alpha, and accuracy, would stilllargely be of tier 8 or tier 9 TD gun quality on this tier 8 medium tank.

  这张图片出自日文维基,仔细看不难发现出该炮装备的托弹机。如果这个托弹机被移除,该炮就可以装进ChiRi 计划2的大炮塔中。这门炮将赋予Chi Ri Kai较高的单发与穿深,但是相对较慢的装填速度。105炮可以作为顶级炮,而75弹链供弹式弹夹炮作为白版配置,88炮作为过渡装备。105炮也可以作为8级Ho Ri坦克歼击车的顶级炮(带托弹机)。在这辆坦克上,105炮的穿深、单发和精度应该保持在8或9级TD炮的水平上。

  The hull would bebased on the Ho Ri sloped TD.

  车体将会基于Ho Ri倾斜装甲坦克歼击车


  Technically speaking,this sloped hull was based off the Chi Ri hull anyway. It*s just a matter oftaking this design and giving it back to the Chi Ri for the Chi Ri Kai. If youlook closely, the picture identifies where the transmission, engine,ammunition, and the fuel tank would be located. Just like how these componentswere switched around in the Ho Ri 2 (e.g. the engine is in the rear in the HoRi 2), these components can be switched around to fit the large Chi Ri turretin the middle. As of now, I don*t know what the armor would be of the frontslope. But even by maintaining the 75 thickness, this very sharp slope ofperhaps as much as 70 degrees would make for strong frontal armor.

  从技术层面上说,带倾斜装甲的车体是基于ChiRi的,上面提到的TD项目这仅仅是从Chi Ri那借鉴了车体而现在又“归还”给ChiRi Kai方案。如果仔细看图的话,不难法线传动系统,引擎,弹药以及油箱的位置。正如在HoRi 2方案中上述舱室可以交换位置一样(HoRi 2的引擎位于车体后部),它们在ChiRi Kai方案中也可以改变位置以适应置于车体中部的ChiRi大型炮塔,目前还不知道倾斜的前甲厚度如何,但是即使是75mm,法线70度倾斜的大倾角也能为该坦克提供可靠的正面防护。

  For suspension, one ofthe various suspensions examined for the Chi Ri can be used. The MitsubishiHeavy Industries Torsion bar plan gives the most modern feel.

  至于悬挂,可以选用Chi Ri计划中设想的多种悬挂系统之一。三菱重工的扭杆悬挂设计最具现代感。


  So these 6 road-wheelswith Torsion bars instead of the springs portrayed in this picture.


  The Chidori suspension system is also a nice option.



  The resulting tankcould look something like this example: The Sloped Chi Ri hull, a 105mm cannon,and the MHI torsion bars suspension.

  最终的坦克的外观可能如下图所示:倾斜的Chi Ri车体,105mm炮,三菱重工(MHI)的扭杆悬挂系统


  And finally, all of theadvance features from the Type 5 Chi Ri will carry over, such as the widetreads, the turret basket, gyro-stabilizer, long range observation, theelectric motor that rotates the turret, and so on.

  最终,该坦克将会继承5式Chi Ri一切先进的特征。比如说宽型轮毂,炮塔吊篮,陀螺稳定器,远距观瞄设备,驱动炮塔转动的电机,等等。

  The engine would still be based on thesame Chi Ri engine, the H9II. After loading on the 105, the Chi Ri Kai*s weightmay go up to 38 or 39 tons. The series in HP can go like 550, 675, 720, 800.However the 800 may not be needed, perhaps for the tier 9 TD. The Chi Ri Kai at39 tons will get 18.4 hp/ton with the 720.

  引擎可能仍然采用和Chi Ri上一样的型号:H9II。在装上105炮后,Chi Ri Kai的重量可能增加到38或39吨。这个系列的引擎功率从550,675,720,800马力不等。但是可能用不上800马力引擎,它可以被用于9级TD。安装720马力引擎时ChiRi Kai(39吨)推重比可以达到18.4。

  With that said, the Plan 2 Chi Riturret would be quite under armored for tier 8. So then maybe an improvedarmored plan 2 turret could be used as the upgrade turret. Put on an additional25mm from those add on plates to make 100 front or go with 125 to match thefront thickness in the Ho Ri, whichever seems most appealing I suppose. Add onanother ton in weight and make that 720 engine a 725 engine instead.

  不过话说回来,Chi Ri计划2的炮塔对于8级而言防护力严重不足。所以可能将装甲升级型的计划2炮塔作为顶级炮塔---在原版100mm的炮塔上加装25mm厚的装甲板,使其正面厚度(125mm)能够与Ho Ri的相比,这看起来是最合理的。由此增加的1吨重量造成机动上的损失可以将720马力引擎换成725马力的解决。

  Aside from the optional upgrade plan 2turret, everything here are real components creating a realistically feasibletank for tier 8.


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