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发布时间:2017-07-08 14:28 来源:互联网  作者:RCT·女神星   编辑:小猫









  It is the chaos of this land that is truly disturbing to me, even more than its most titanic and vicious beasts. Animals are meant to be savage. Even when tamed, they are not truly civilized, but man? Man is supposed to be above the animal, yet the people here live in squalor and fight viciously over scraps like stray dogs.

  I have convinced some of them to band together under my leadership, and together, we have found safety and order. Unfortunately, they are untrained and lack cohesion. I'll have to fix that.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline




  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I am reminded of my first command in Dacia. Many men questioned my rank, wondering why they had to follow a Centurion so young. It took time to earn their trust, but it was necessary. I could not have even a single soldier questioning me in battle, lest our discipline fail.

  Without discipline, our century's formation would crumble, and the legion would be exposed. It is the same here. These ragged men and women will not become a unit overnight, but I am patient and more experienced than I was in Dacia. I may be far from the Rome, but I know this for certain - this island will know its might.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline




  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  Training grew easier once my charges began to see the results. In fact, they've found such a wellspring of enthusiasm that their drills and chores alone cannot contain it. This morning, I found a flag flying above the armory.

  It was the symbol of the Imperial Legion, but with one of the island's flying lizards replacing the eagle and words in a foreign language replacing SPQR. I'm told they say "The New Legion." I admit, I smiled at the sight.

  Very well then. It's time to find out if I've created true Legionnaires. We march at dawn.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline





  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I knew I'd chosen a soft target to test my men, but I had expected a little more resistance. The tribe we assaulted was young, but supposedly they had seen some success as raiders. I cannot see how, given how swiftly they fell into disarray. Some even attempted to flee but they did not get far.

  After scouring their fortifications for supplies, we razed them to the ground and planted our flag among the ashes. Let every savage and tribal pretender know: the New Legion has arrived.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline




  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I am finally satisfied with our defenses against flying creatures. The solution was obvious once I stopped thinking of them as special. With any foe, the goal is to control their actions. So instead of trying to block flyers completely, we created apparent holes in our aerial defenses that entice attackers into kill zones.

  Our architect was grateful for the solution. He had been dreading trying to build a roof over the whole fortress. We have grown too large for that to be practical, and soon we will be larger still. Our first true war begins soon, and I suspect many Blackthumbs shall defect before its end.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline




  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  It did not take long for me to grow accustomed to the weapons of this world - many of which are called "guns" according to one of my lieutenants. They are far more accurate and deadly than any bow, but like any weapon, they are only as effective as their wielder. In the hands of the Blackthumbs, they are of no concern.

  In battle, we have been able to bait the Blackthumbs into attacking a wave of durable but disposable beasts before descending upon them with our main force. Our attacks are concentrated while theirs are scattered. That makes all the difference.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline




  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  The Blackthumbs are destroyed. Their leader was defiant, but his tribesmen did not wish to fight the inevitable. They offered us his head last evening. I suspect surrenders will be more frequent now. The Blackthumbs were the first, but they shall not be the last.

  Yes, I see it clearly. This is destiny. The gods have brought me here to bring order, to save these people from their own savagery. Janus pulled me across a bridge of time and space, Mars lent me his strength and now I shall create my own empire in their name.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline




  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

  I have allowed the Legion to take a reprieve from war, at least for now. We need time to gather our strength and plan our road to conquest before we march again. Augustus did not unite the Empire by rushing into battle, after all. Such things take time, and more importantly, information.

  As I write, my scouts are mapping out the surrounding lands and observing any tribes that may oppose us. I have no doubt they are not all like the Blackthumbs. One could very well prove to by my Marc Antony, and when I find him, I will be prepared.

  Gaius Marcellus Nerva

  Victory through discipline


  朕于此落书时,朕之哨骑正巡于全岛,测绘地理,勘探敌情。部落诸多,或不同于黑指之众。若有人欲为马克安东尼(Marc Antony,东罗马帝国君主),于朕寻得其前,朕当早有准备。


  盖乌斯·马塞勒斯·涅尔瓦 谕

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